速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / 20th Century Military Uniforms

20th Century Military Uniforms





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Diagonalstraße 41 20537 Hamburg

20th Century Military Uniforms(圖1)-速報App

The most important and most interesting uniform designs in use throughout the world in one app.

Over the last 100 years the uniforms worn by soldiers around the world have changed dramatically as fabric technology has improved and the need for effective concealment from ever more lethal weaponry has grown. From global conflicts such as World War I and II to less well-known wars like those fought in Africa in the 1960s, 20th Century Military Uniforms covers a wide variety of wars and geographical locations.

The app provides a unique and readily accessible reference guide to the most important and most interesting uniform designs in use throughout the world during the age of total war. 20th Century Military Uniforms includes examples from famous units such as the 101st Airborne, the Waffen-SS, the British Paratroop Regiment, the Soviet Special Forces, and the French Foreign Legion.

20th Century Military Uniforms(圖2)-速報App

Each of the 300 uniforms is illustrated by a full-colour artwork, with accompanying text and a table describing the figure’s date, affiliation, rank, location at the time, and the conflict or theatre in which they were serving.

• Describes 300 uniforms of the last 100 years from all over the world

• Superbly illustrated with full-colour artworks

20th Century Military Uniforms(圖3)-速報App

• Quick search functions for country and rank

• Favourites section

• All data stored offline on your device.

20th Century Military Uniforms(圖4)-速報App


Chris McNab has written and edited numerous books on military history. Publications include Modern Military Uniforms, Twentieth Century Small Arms, and Elite Forces Manual of Endurance Techniques.

20th Century Military Uniforms(圖5)-速報App